Semalt Expert Describes A Web Page Scrollscraper

There are fascinating facts about Adat Shalom that can be discovered by visiting its website: The website contains updated information on the site's scrollscraper. An analysis of the page's load speed revealed that the site had a response speed of 76 ms. The results also revealed that for the site to render any given webpage and to completely load all DOM resources, it took exactly 220 ms. In comparison to other sites, this indicates that the site is an excellent one since not many sites are capable of loading a web page faster than the earlier mentioned speeds. The findings also indicated that 57/100 were normal results and seven tests were successful with only a single one failing. Requests made on loading of all elements on the main page showed that none of the sources were called and that all requests made were directed at scrollscraper.adatshalom. The results also indicated that the recorded 76 ms was the longest time taken to load the webpage and belonged to the original domain.

Optimization of scrollscraper.adatshalom webpage
A page optimization indicated that the overall size of the site's main page was indeed 4.2 kilobytes which is a significant group of normal medium weight web pages. The sites larger part is occupied by Hotmail which is 4.2 kB. The other parts are occupied by images, javascripts, and CSS.
Optimization of HTML
A website's server can be used to not only minify but also compress Hotmail contents. The most recommended means of compressing data is by utilizing GZIP because it is capable of decreasing the amount of data going through the browser and the server. It also minifies Hotmail code quite effectively and can reduce the size of the original webpage by up to 63%.
HTTPS Certification
It is recommended that scrollscraper.adatshalom acquire an SSL certificate since it does not have any. The importance of SSL certification is that it allows for safer browsing on the web by allowing for an HTTPS connection.
Visitor Mapping
An analysis of the number of visits indicates that almost three-quarters of visits originate from the US. This means that it is highly recommended that and their server be located in the US because it enables load time for pages to be considerably quicker.

Social Sharing Optimization
The scrollscraper.adatshalom does not have an open graph description which is a disadvantage for the site's social well-being such as its presence on Facebook. This is because such sites are useful in building the structure of the website and also makes it look good when it is shared on these platforms.
Encoding and Language
The language in use for the webpage is English which is a good option since it is the language used in both the HTML meta tag and on the webpage. The webpage has a UTF-8 which is the best format of encoding due to efficient symbol transcription.